College student credit card is really meant to be treated like a training ground for learning more about credit cards. It should not be make an instrument of debt (college student credit card debt).
Credit card debt doesn’t shy away from anyone who doesn’t want to shy away from it. It treats everyone equally irrespective of whether the person is a seasoned professional or just a college student. So college student credit card debt isn’t uncommon either.
Since the credit limit on college student credit cards is much lower, the college student credit card debt cannot rise to the levels it does for other credit cards. However, college student credit card debt is an even bigger menace because a lot of students are already in debt due to the loan they have taken for their education.
If they pass out of college with college student credit card debt, they will have to payback not just the loan they taken for studies but also their college student credit card debt.
Since most of the college students are inexperienced in the usage of credit cards, they can easily fall prey..
In fact, college student credit card debt is one reason why the credit card suppliers keep a lower credit limit on college student credit cards. The solution for avoiding college student credit card debt is similar to what it is for avoidance of any type of credit card debt.
So, the first thing for avoiding college student credit card debt is to understand the concept that credit card is not free money and that whatever you pay-for using your credit card has to be paid back to the credit card supplier when your credit card bill arrives. So don’t treat credit card separate from hard cash.
Avoid overspending e.g. do not buy things just because they are on sale, sales keep coming and going and there are always better offers each time; buy only those things that you really need. A good thing to do is to prepare your monthly budget and follow it religiously. Never budge from your budget. Another very important preventive measure for avoiding college student credit card debt is to avoid going for a second credit card.
Some students have a tendency to go for multiple credit cards just because the credit limit on college student credit cards is very low. However, this is a perfect recipe for getting into a college student credit card debt. This is how college student credit card debt builds up. One credit card is more than enough for any student.
Being Straight With Debt Councelors
‘Credit card debt’ is the worst of all nightmares. A successful credit card debt settlement is like getting a new lease of life. Credit card debt settlement is a wonderful stress relieving mechanisms. Once you are done with your credit card debt settlement, you are assured of a much better life. All those nagging phone calls and mails will become history and all that surmounting tension would be gone. That’s why credit card debt settlement is so essential.
You can approach credit card debt settlement in 2 ways. You can either go for credit card debt settlement all by yourself or you can take advice from a credit counselling company or a professional. Any of these credit card debt settlement methods are fine, as long as they work for you and help you get debt-free quickly.
If you go for credit card debt settlement all by yourself, you will need to analyse the various options available to you e.g. checking on various balance transfer offers available in the market, checking the short term loan options with the banks etc etc. However, if you want to take credit card debt settlement advice from a professional, you should be able to trust the advisor fully. So you need to check the credentials of the credit card debt settlement advisor/company.
There are hordes of people and companies that advertise “credit card debt settlement in one day” or something of that kind which will look just fantastic. Such credit card debt settlement offers/advice are generally not genuine. Moreover, you need to understand that credit card debt settlement cannot happen overnight (unless you win a lottery or something like that). So, beware of such agencies.
That said it’s important to mention that there are a lot of good credit card debt settlement advisors/companies available too who will not only give you genuine credit card debt settlement advice but will help you throughout until you are finally out of debt. Their advice may, in fact, more than compensate for the fee that they charge you for credit card debt settlement.
These credit card debt settlement companies/advisors will be able to help you in the best way if you tell them your current financial situation correctly. Your future plans are important too, as they might influence the decision on ‘What route for credit card debt settlement would work the best for you’.
Moreover, once you are done with your credit card debt settlement, you should also take measures to avoid falling into that pit again.
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